Unique Cigar Lounge Design Ideas for UAE Residents

The design of your home describes your intellect and style. Each area holds a certain uniqueness and element. Your home is your rest and best area, but the vibe of it can attract visitors. Just like a living area, Cigar lounge design impacts the tone of your home. 

Not all homes have a home cigar lounge, but people who are into cigars can create a decorative cigar lounge design for home

It is an area where you comfortably chill and relax with your friends. So, you need to invest in creating a perfect cigar lounge design.

History of Cigar Lounge

History of Cigar Lounge

Pipe blows filled with toxins and types of raw tobacco shrubs were commonly used in older times. Even hollow bamboo shoots were also used for such purposes. The advancement and styling in puffing tobacco started many centuries ago in Europe and Far East regions. 

Europeans introduced many sophisticated and delicate ways of tobacco puffing. Modifications in the styles and designs of pipes have continued around the globe. People tried and adopted a regional touch to design pipes and tobacco puffing tools. 

In the early 18th century, he introduced the best range of classical pipes and tobacco puffing equipment. Sophistication and styles came from Virginia, California, Britain, and Australia. 

Elites of the society designed individual bars for enjoying smoking with their peers and friends during their leisure time. The trend of Cigar Lounges has a history in Europe and Australia. The oldest cigar bars are still there as historical icons. Those were the source of influence and temptations for newcomers to exploit the ideas with a modern touch. 

 Creative steps to design a Perfect Cigar Lounge

Smoking was not an odd and offensive few years back, public places were not restricted for smoking, even then to highlight the facility lavishly designed cigar bars were there to attract clients. 

To create a small cigar lounge design at your home, follow the guidelines.

Define the area

Designing a Cigar Lounge in a house needs a specific design and an area a little away from the common sitting area, restricted only for senior family members. 

Your cigar lounge at home should not be a part of a regular living area. It must be a little away and should depict the isolation factor. Selected friends, mates, and peers can accompany you in your leisure hours. 

The regulations around the world for discouraging smoking have invoked the need for specific smoking areas to avoid pollution and save non-smokers. Talking about the modern era now cigar lounges are a need and requirement of the public place and a source of calmness and self-soothing in homes. 

Consider the layout

The layout and style of the cigar lounge design are the key factors for having such a portion in your house. The haphazard and boring layout can spoil the importance and significance. 

Very selective interior and stylish furniture with a symmetrical color scheme is the soul to attain a very admiring atmosphere. 

Proper airflow is important in every cigar lounge design. Suffocation does not feel good and is always uncomfortable for the members and the people entering the lounge. 

A window pane opening in a green area enlarges the arena and adds to the natural touch. 

The humidor box in your cigar lounge can add value and will make you individual to others. Real cigar lovers would love to enjoy smoking with you because they can get fresh, properly placed crisp cigars in a humidor. 

Style and finishes

Style and finishes

Limited options are available to give a stylish look to the Cigar lounge design for home. A sensitive interior designer can bring joy and theme in a portion to enhance the flavor of tobacco puffing in a properly designed and accordingly decorated area. 

In addition to mind games, chess, and table pools can soothe you physically and mentally. 

Texture and furnishing

Stylish Cigar Bar & Lounge Area

Usually, the cigar lounge goes with a selected tone and textures. Elevating the importance of cigar lounge design mainly depends upon the class and taste of the arena.

 Elite styles can be addressed by placing unique state-of-the-art ash pots on the shining surface tables with accurate-sized chess boards and pool tables. Smooth light impressions on the spots are the key factors in designing the portion.  

Add elements/ accessories

A nice collection of long coffee mugs, crystal-cut wine glasses, and photo frames of antique cars can enhance the mood. Well-placed golf sticks and a fireplace also help you feel cozy and relaxed. 

Unique cigar lounge ideas

Here are some chic cigar lounge design ideas for home

Out on the Patio

A cigar lounge on the patio or terrace is also a good trend in modern houses. In addition, your division of the patio into a cigar bar can provide great pleasure to enjoy your smokey moments within the walled room without any hindrance and interference.

Just a few sips of coffee can maximize the pleasure time of your stay in the lounge. 

Stylish Cigar Bar & Lounge Area


Light-colored walls and texture with matching furniture of each single seat with a set of 4 persons with an elbow height center table and standing ash pots along the armchairs can comfort the members. Old black & white portraits on the walls of the lounge bring a smile to the faces of senior members

Modern home decorators can inject a stylish look into your desired cigar lounge design by mixing new styles with a blend of old-fashioned classical touches like a sliding glass window, wall-mounted lights near the seats, and smooth stone top tables. 

A slight flavor of masculine games, a horse wreath, a horseshoe on the wall, an old-fashioned long barrel gun, or any item of your choice and taste are essential to enforcing your identity, taste, and possession. 

Vintage Cigar Lounge

Vintage Cigar Lounge

The vintage theme may be the best choice to bring the ancient texture into a modern style. The antique collection and articles can multiply the exotic atmosphere of your lounge. The miniatures of antiques are the best source of enchanting glamor, grace, and luxury. 

Wrap up

It is a very tricky area to design and bring the taste of the original cigar during a stay in the lounge. 

The well-disciplined and stylish interior designer of RadyInterior can create an English, Arabic, or Eastern touch by integrating the theme and taste of the cigar lover. Collection and matching themes are the factors to consider and implement in your cigar lounge design.